

Boy Scout Troop 742 is chartered by First Presbyterian Church, in Batavia, Ohio. We are in the East Fork District which resides in the Dan Beard Council. We meet on Tuesday nights @ 7:00 pm at our charter. Our Troop Committee meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month @ 7:00 pm at the church.

We have a rich program with the emphasis on the Troop being "Youth Lead." Learning leadership skills requires hands on work and actual experience. How can a boy learn to lead if he isn't given the chance to lead himself! Our youth leaders are elected by the Troop every six months and our PLC meets monthly to plan curriculum and activities for the Troop.

Seventy five percent of our adult leaders were Scouts and have finished Wood Badge course. We understand how the Patrol Method works and Robert Baden-Powell's vision for Scouting. We apply his vision for Scouting regularly and instill our boys with the same ideals. We are proud to be able to help mold today's boys into tomorrow's responsible young men. When this happens, we feel we have done our jobs.

We invite you to contact us, or come by one of our meetings. We promise you and your scout(s) a friendly environment that includes positive reinforcement, self discovery and peer leadership in a Scout Troop that is truly boy lead.




Are you a parent of a scout in Troop 742? Do you have a Facebook account? Then follow us on



It is required that the troop has a BSA medical form on file before any outing. This REQUIRES a yearly physical exam before Summer Camp. Please download the form by clicking (here) and turn in to the Mr. Phelps ASAP. Thank you!


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